
Mona Baker Entry for the AHRC Translating Cultures Glossary (forthcoming)   Activism is generally understood to designate a broad range of direct and indirect interventions aimed at provoking political or social change. It is often assumed to be the preserve of left-wing politics, but many right-wing groups also see themselves as activists engaged in changing society for the better: Baker

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Translation and solidarity in the century with no future: prefiguration vs. aspirational translation

by Mona Baker Palgrave Communications Volume 6, Article number: 23 (2020) Cite this article Open Access Abstract The future and how we envision and anticipate it has been the subject of scholarly attention for some time, especially from political theorists, scholars of human geography, and anthropologists. This article draws on some of this literature, but particularly the work of Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, the Italian Marxist

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Rehumanizing the migrant: the translated past as a resource for refashioning the contemporary discourse of the (radical) left

Mona Baker, Palgrave Communications Open Access, Published Online January 2020, in Special Issue: Genealogies of Knowledge ABSTRACT This study examines conceptions of outsiders to the polity, focusing on the lexical items migrant(s), refugee(s), and exile(s) in both internet- and print-based sources. Drawing primarily on a subsection of the Genealogies Internet Corpus consisting of left-wing sources, I argue that left-wing

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Translating Dissent: Voices from and with the Egyptian Revolution

To order a copy, go to Published 2016, by Routledge Discursive interventions in the political arena are heavily mediated by various acts of translation that enable protest movements to connect across the globe. Focusing on the Egyptian experience since 2011, this volume brings together a unique group of activists who are able to reflect on the complexities, challenges and limitations

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