Palestinian prisoners continue their hunger strike as Israel refuses to budge

By Emma Heywood, Lecturer and researcher, Coventry University In The Conversation, 26 Ma 2017 As the massive Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike enters its second month, there are more than 1,300 detainees on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. More and more family members and supporters are gathering in “solidarity tents” throughout the West Bank and Gaza. I visited one such tent in

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The City Always Wins

by Omar Robert Hamilton A debut novel that captures the experience of the Egyptian revolution like no news report could Sam’s review History changes as invisibly as the future, though more painfully in having tasted what is lost.  The City Always Wins is astonishing, intelligent throughout and alternately inspiring and saddening, a novel of the Egyptian Arab Spring that covers the

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Higher Education Scholarship Palestine (HESPAL)

HESPAL is a British Council managed scheme, which offers scholarships to young Palestinian lecturers from universities in the West Bank and Gaza enabling them to study in the UK. HESPAL aims to help create the next generation of senior academics who can maintain international quality standards at Palestinian universities and develop renewed, sustainable links between Palestinian and UK universities. University of

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The Egyptian Military in Popular Culture: Context and Critique

Dalia Mostafa, Palsgrave Macmillan, 2017 ebook £52.99, ISBN 978-1-137-59372-6 Hardcover £66.99, ISBN 978-1-137-59371-9 This book examines a key question through the lens of popular culture: Why did the Egyptian people opt to elect in June 2014 a new president (Abdel Fattah al-Sisi), who hails from the military establishment, after toppling a previous military dictator (Hosni Mubarak) with the breakout of the

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Press Release on MLA Delegate Assembly Vote

JANUARY 10, 2017 ~ MLABOYCOTT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 9, 2017 Media Contact: David Lloyd | In Keeping with Conservative History,  MLA Votes Down Resolution to Boycott Israeli Institutions At the annual convention of the Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association [MLA], a resolution to endorse the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions for their involvement in violations of international law was voted

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'Progressive’ Defenders of the Racial State: Reflections on the Modern Language Association BDS vote

David Lloyd, Mondoweiss, January 9, 2017 The news is in: on Saturday, a resolution to endorse the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions was rejected by the Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association, the largest and most traditional humanities association in the United States.  An opposing resolution that directs the MLA not to endorse a boycott of Israeli universities

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Message from Graduate Students on the MLA Academic Boycott Resolution

Graduate student MLA members who support the boycott of Israeli academic institutions wrote the message below. Please share widely with graduate students who may have questions about the politics of academic boycott and why it is relevant to graduate student politics in the United States today. Sincerely, –The Coordinating Committee MLA Members for Justice in Palestine   What will be the

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The MLA and the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions

This short documentary makes the case for MLA (Modern Languages Association) members to vote in 2017 in support of a resolution to endorse the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The video includes interviews with numerous prominent literary scholars who support the boycott resolution. Gayatri Spivak, W.J.T.Mitchell, Bruce Robbins, Margaret Ferguson, Rosaura Sanchez, David Lloyd, Malini Schueller, David Palumbo Liu, Jeffery

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Antisemitism and the left

Paul Kelemen, author of The British Left and Zionism: History of a Divorce, looks at the roots of the recent controversies in the Labour Party May 2016, Red Pepper If the mainstream media is to be believed, the Labour Party is seriously afflicted with antisemitism. Although most of the remarks cited as incriminating were directed at Israel and pro-Israeli activism, and not

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Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre

Translation, Performance, Politics Edited by Sirkku Aaltonen and Areeg Ibrahim 2016 – Routledge, 288 pages Hardback. ISBN: 978-1-13-894644-6, £85 This study of Egyptian theatre and its narrative construction explores the ways representations of Egypt are created of and within theatrical means, from the 19th century to the present day. Essays address the narratives that structure theatrical, textual, and performative representations and the

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