The Murder of Muhammad “Niinu” Al-‘Assi

From the archive (legacy material) Anne Gwynne | Palestine Monitor | August 2005 Editors’ Note: This is a rare eyewitness account (with photographs) of one of the hundreds of illegal “targeted murders” by Israel of young Palestinian men, members of the legal Resistance. As such, its importance cannot be overstated. It is the only eyewitness account of this particular

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Eid Al-Adha in Nablus: A Night of Terror and Destruction

From the archive (legacy material) Anne Gwynne | Axis of Logic | 27 January 2005 As the BBC and other major media organizations patronizingly ‘congratulate’ Abu Mazen on deploying 3,000 lightly-armed Palestinian troops to protect the ‘security’ of illegal Jewish colonists in Gaza, they report that ‘it is quiet on the ground’ in Palestine. In doing so, they are

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Dead-Check in Falluja

From the archive (legacy material) Evan Wright | Village Voice | 24-30 November 2004 In April 9, 2003, the day the statue of Saddam Hussein was being toppled in Baghdad, symbolizing the promised liberation of Iraq, I was embedded with a Marine unit engaged in fierce combat about 30 miles north of the city, on the outskirts of Baquba.

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Terrorizing those who are praying

From the archive (legacy material) Dahr Jamail | Information Clearing House | 19/11/2004 11/19/04 “ICH” — Abu Talat calls me frantic. The deafening roar of hundreds of people in a confined area yelling, “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest) reverberate behind his panicked voice. “I am being held at gunpoint by American soldiers inside Abu Hanifa mosque Dahr,” he yells,

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Slash and Burn

From the archive (legacy material) Dahr Jamail | Information Clearing House | 17 November 2004 11/17/04 “ICH” — She lays dazed in the crowded hospital room, languidly waving her bruised arm at the flies. Her shins, shattered by bullets from US soldiers when they fired through the front door of her house, are both covered by casts. Small plastic

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Dogs Eating Bodies in the Streets of Fallujah

From the archive (legacy material) Dahr Jamail | Information Clearing House | 15/11/2004 11/15/04 “ICH” — It never fails to get my adrenaline flowing when my hotel rumbles from a car bomb detonating in central Baghdad. Last night around 7pm the explosion occurred at a hotel compound which houses foreign contractors over near Firdos Square. Shortly there after the

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