Cabinet votes 13-7 to declare West Bank college a university

From the archive (legacy material) Gideon Alon and Tamara Traubman | Haaretz | 2 May 2005 The cabinet voted 13-7 Monday to confer university status on Judea and Samaria College in Ariel, less than two weeks after a major British lecturers union sparked wide controversy by declaring a boycott against Bar-Ilan University for its links to the West Bank

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In the name of truth

From the archive (legacy material) Meron Rapoport | Ha’aretz | 28 April 2005 “Among Arabs, you will not find the phenomenon so typical of Judeo-Christian culture: doubts, a sense of guilt, the self-tormenting approach, `Maybe we weren’t entirely OK,’ or `Maybe we need to act or react differently.’ These phenomena are totally unknown in Arab-Islamic society, toward outsiders. They

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Israel’s Strategic Advantage Inspires Creation of Middle East Center at Brandeis

From the archive (legacy material) Genevieve Cora Fraser | | 7 April 2005 Israel has the undisputed strategic advantage in the Middle East. So now that Israelis feel more secure it’s time to talk peace, seemed to be the underlying message delivered by Shai Feldman, the director of Brandeis University’s new $25 million Crown Center for Middle East

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From the Coalition to End Apartheid in Israeli Anthropology 1

Ahoti, the Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow, and Mossawa | Email circular | 25 March 2004, email circular received October 2004 Ahoti (Sistah-Heb) – For Women in Israel; NGO No. 58-036-274; P. O. Box 4027, Tel Aviv 61040, Israel. Ph. +972-3-525-0959 For all matters re this issue, please use the following e-mail address: Enclosed please find a complaint we have filed

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Medical ethics, the Israeli Medical Association, and the state of the World Medical Association

From the archive (legacy material) Derek Summerfield | British Medical Journal | 6 September 2003   Open letter to the BMA EDITOR—Persistent concerns have been raised about the role of the World Medical Association (WMA), the international watch-dog on medical ethics, in respect of their approach to the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) in particular.1 Matters have now come to

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Studies at Bar-Ilan University's Regional Colleges

From the archive (legacy material) Bar-Ilan University | University Web Site | December 2002 Comment: this is an example of the extensive involvement of Israeli academic institutions in perpetuating and legitimising the occupation and dispossession of Palestinians. Some of the regional colleges referred to below are built on illegal settlements (Ariel, for instance), and references to Judea and Sumaria

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