Open letter by Gaza academics and university administrators to the world

We call on our supporters to help us resist the Israeli campaign of scholasticide and rebuild our universities. Al Jazeera, 29 May 2024 We have come together as Palestinian academics and staff of Gaza universities to affirm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students, and the insistence on our future, in the face of all current attempts

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Professor Andrew Wilkie (Nuffield Professor of Pathology)

From the archive (legacy material) Oxford University | Oxford University | 27 October 2003 A University spokesperson said: “The Vice-Chancellor has accepted the recommendation of the Visitatorial Board that Professor Wilkie should be suspended from his academic duties within the University, without pay, for two months. Suspension is the most serious penalty that the University can impose, short of

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Oxford Don Suspended over Rejection of Ex-Israeli Soldier

From the archive (legacy material) Danny Kemp | The Scotsman/PA | 27 October 2003 Oxford University today suspended a professor who rejected an Israeli student’s application because of the country’s alleged mistreatment of Palestinians. Professor Andrew Wilkie, Nuffield professor of pathology, was suspended without pay for two months and ordered to undergo equal opportunities training. The academic also resigned

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Oxford Univ. suspends academic who rejected an Israeli's job application

From the archive (legacy material) AP/Haaretz | 27 October 2003 LONDON – An Oxford University professor who refused to hire an Israeli grad student because of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians has been suspended without pay for two months, the university said Monday. In a statement, the university said the suspension of Nuffield Professor of Pathology Andrew Wilkie “reflects

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On Criticising Israel: Letters to LRB

From the archive (legacy material) The following letters were published by London Reviews of Books (LRB, Vol. 25 No. 17) in response to Judith Butler’s essay ‘No, it’s not anti-semitic.’ On Criticising Israel From Yitzhak Laor Judith Butler’s point (LRB, 21 August) can be narrowed to a single question addressed to Israeli and Jewish advocates abroad: where is the

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Forget reds under the bed, there's Arabs in the attic

From the archive (legacy material) Hamid Dabashi | Times Higher Education Supplement | 18 October 2003 Fear of terrorism is fuelling a campaign of hate against Arabs in the US. Columbia University professor Hamid Dabashi describes his personal experience Late in June 2002, I came back to New York from a fortnight’s trip to Japan to find my voicemail

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News Alert: Israeli Occupation Forces Close Ramallah-Birzeit Road

From the archive (legacy material) Birzeit University News | 9 October 2003 On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, Israeli occupation forces closed off the Ramallah-Birzeit road, prohibiting even pedestrians from crossing the kilometer-long checkpoint situated near the village of Surda. Since the majority of staff and students live in Ramallah, they were denied access to the University. The University was

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Online 'blacklists' of anti-US faculty win in Washington

From the archive (legacy material) Jon Marcus, Boston | Times Higher Education Supplement | 3 October 2003 Websites that monitor university faculty for evidence of alleged bias against the US and Israel have made inroads in government despite their detractors labelling them little more than blacklists that “chill” free discourse. The sites’ efforts have resulted in a congressional panel

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Crying Wolf: Anti-semitism, the Jewish Press in Britain, and Academic Boycotts

From the archive (legacy material) Mona Baker A summary of this response appeared as a letter in the London Review of Books: In a recent article published in the London Review of Books, Judith Butler selectively refers to aspects of a disagreement we had on the Academics for Justice discussion list in December 2002 in order to level

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Philosopher Honderich Hit with "Anti-Semite" Slur in Germany

From the archive (legacy material) Alexander Cockburn | Counterpunch | 13 August 2003 The distinguished British philosopher Ted Honderich, is threatening to sue the head of the Holocaust museum in Frankfort for calling him an anti-Semite. The director, Micha Brumlik , levelled the charge last week after Honderich’s book “After The Terror” was published in Germany in July. Suhrkamp,

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