The BBC and the Quiet Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians (Excerpts)

From the archive (legacy material) Paul de Rooij | | February 12, 2004 At present, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is ongoing and systematic, yet it is difficult to find any reference to this crime against humanity in most news media. The issue is not so much slanted coverage as scant or selective coverage of the misery Israel is

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Skirting the issue

From the archive (legacy material) Jonathan Cook | Al-Ahram Weekly | 5-11 February 2004 Europe betrays the Palestinians yet again, even as the on-going construction of Israel’s Apartheid wall shatters Palestinian livelihoods and undermines the creation of a viable Palestinian state, writes Jonathan Cook Israel’s furious diplomatic activity to sabotage a decision taken by the United Nations General Assembly

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Time to remember

From the archive (legacy material) Ghada Karmi | Al-Ahram Weekly | 22-28 January 2004 Whatever the discursive niceties it is important to realise that Israel is Zionist, and that Zionism displaces and kills, writes Ghada Karmi* For those who have forgotten or never understood what Zionism is about two recently published pieces will make salutary reading. The first is

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Hate mail

From the archive (legacy material) Brian Whitaker | The Guardian | 19 January 2004 Jewish activists opposing the Israeli government’s policies face intimidation and harassment via email and on the internet. Brian Whitaker reports Deborah Fink is a singer and music teacher living in London. She is also Jewish. Last month, out of the blue, she received a deluge

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Racism repackaged

From the archive (legacy material) Salman Abu Sitta | Al-Ahram Weekly | January 2004 The Geneva Accord was long ago scripted by Israeli Military Intelligence, writes Salman Abu Sitta* The orchestrated media blitz, replete with approving noises made by those European and Arab politicians eager to be rid of Palestinian refugees, conveniently ignored the fact that the understanding reached

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A diaspora divided

From the archive (legacy material) Arthur Nelsen | | 9 January 2004 Shock waves from the continuing carnage in the Middle East are increasingly dividing the Jewish diaspora, and the rifts are becoming ugly. has uncovered evidence of an anti-Semitic hate mail campaign against Jewish peace activists in London, which involves rabbis and at least one respected

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