French and Jewish extremists unite on Net against Arabs

From the archive (legacy material) John Lichfield in Paris | Independent | 17 July 2003 Extreme-right and neo-Nazi groups in France have formed an anti-Arab and anti-Muslim alliance on the internet with extremist Jewish groups, a report published yesterday said. Since the French far right is known for its visceral anti-Semitism, the alliance has puzzled and disturbed anti-racism campaigners

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Israel takes another leap towards institutionalized apartheid

From the archive (legacy material) Ali Abunimah | The Electronic Intifada | 26 June 2003 A law forbidding Israeli citizenship for Palestinians from the Occupied Territories who marry Israelis passed its first reading in the Knesset on June 18. This is another milestone on Israel’s road to open, institutionalized apartheid. According to Ha’aretz, the bill forbids the granting of

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THE NEW THOUGHT POLICE: The campaign to criminalize criticism of Israel

From the archive (legacy material) Justin Raimondo | | 23 June 2003 Last week, after Israel targeted Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi – and, instead, got a woman passer-by and a three year-old child, while 27 others were injured. – George W. Bush came out with some very mild criticism of Israel: “I am troubled by the recent

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Mid-Eastern Terms

From the archive (legacy material) Ran Ha’Cohen | Dissident Voice | 19 June 2003 Commenting on the Aqaba Summit, in an atmosphere of peace and reconciliation, a senior member of Israel’s ruling junta said it all. Major General Amos Gilad – the Government Coordinator in the [Occupied] Territories – told Yedioth Achronoth (5.6.03): “In Mid-Eastern terms, we have not

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Newspaper apologises to Galloway over 'Saddam millions' forgeries

From the archive (legacy material) Vik Iyer | The Independent | 20 June 2003 Suspended Labour MP George Galloway today attacked a newspaper which has apologised for claiming the anti–war campaigner had taken millions of pounds from Saddam Hussein. Mr Galloway insisted that he always knew the allegations were based on “malice, fabrication and forgery” and would “soon fall

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