Cultural Turns: New Orientations in the Study of Culture

By Doris Bachmann-Medick The contemporary fields of the study of culture, the humanities and the social sciences are unfolding in a dynamic constellation of cultural turns. This book provides a comprehensive overview of these theoretically and methodologically groundbreaking reorientations. It discusses the value of the new focuses and their analytical categories for the work of a wide range of disciplines. In

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The Trans/National Study of Culture: A Translational Perspective

Ed. by Bachmann-Medick, Doris This volume introduces key concepts for a trans/national expansion in the study of culture. Using translation as an analytical category, it explores what is translatable and untranslatable between nation-specific approaches such as British/American cultural studies, German Kulturwissenschaften and other traditions in studying culture. The range of articles included in the book covers both theoretical reflections and

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New Insights into Arabic Translation and Interpreting

New book from Multilingual Matters edited by Mustapha Taibi This book addresses translation and interpreting with Arabic either as a source or target language. It focuses on new fields of study and professional practice, such as community translation and interpreting, and offers fresh insights into the relationship between culture, translation and interpreting. More info:

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Connecting the Dots in a Glocalized World (Oman)

3rd International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation November 3-5 2016 Oman Department of English Language and Literature Sultan Qaboos University Call Deadline: 11 April 2016. Decision returned by 2 May Meeting Description Connecting the Dots in a Glocalized World 2016 will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas in the four main disciplines of language, linguistics, literature

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Hope without Illusion: Ten Signs of Change in Egypt

by Abdelrahman Mansour and Mohamed Aboelgheit Jadaliyya, 14 May 2016 Egyptians occupying streets, blocking traffic, and chanting patriotic slogans: Contrary to conventional wisdom, these images became part of Egypt’s contemporary political arena well before the January 2011 Revolution. We saw them on multiple occasions in 2006, 2008, and even in 2010, when Egypt’s national football team won the Africa Cup of Nations. Those are

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Transformative Works and Fan Activism

Special Issue of TWC (Transformative Works and Cultures), Volume 10, 2012 Edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova, University of Southern California Table of Contents Editorial Up, up, and away! The power and potential of fan activism Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova HTML Theory Fandom meets activism: Rethinking civic and political participation Melissa M. Brough, Sangita Shresthova HTML “Cultural acupuncture”: Fan activism

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Beyond the Spectacle: Translation and Solidarity in Contemporary Protest Movements

Mona Baker This chapter maps out the space of translation within the political economy of contemporary protest movements, using the Egyptian Revolution as a case in point and extending the definition of translation to cover a range of modalities and types of interaction. It identifies themes and questions that arise out of the concrete experiences of activists mobilizing and reflecting

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Translation, Representation, and Narrative Performance

Seminar by Mona Baker Hong Kong Baptist University, 29 May 2014 Translation is one of the core practices through which any cultural group constructs representations of another and contests representations of the self. Part of its power stems from the fact that as a genre, it tends to be understood as “merely” reporting on something that is already available in

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Bourdieu in Translation Studies

The Socio-cultural Dynamics of Shakespeare Translation in Egypt By Sameh Hanna © 2016 – Routledge 240 pages, Hardback: ISBN: 978-1-13-880362-6, £90 This book explores the implications of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of cultural production for the study of translation as a socio-cultural activity. Bourdieu’s work has continued to inspire research on translation in the last few years, though without a detailed, large-scale investigation that tests

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Reading Letters from the Past

Translating for Historical Research in Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies by Katharine Halls1 Sephardic Horizons, Volume 6, Number 1, 2016 One of the most exciting developments to come out of the surge of academic interest in Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewry is the recent appearance of two sourcebooks which present documentary material relating to the modern history of these communities in translation. The

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