Dogs Eating Bodies in the Streets of Fallujah

From the archive (legacy material) Dahr Jamail | Information Clearing House | 15/11/2004 11/15/04 “ICH” — It never fails to get my adrenaline flowing when my hotel rumbles from a car bomb detonating in central Baghdad. Last night around 7pm the explosion occurred at a hotel compound which houses foreign contractors over near Firdos Square. Shortly there after the

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AP Photographer Flees Fallujah

From the archive (legacy material) Katarina Kratovac | The Guardian | 14/11/2004 BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) – In the weeks before the crushing military assault on his hometown, Bilal Hussein sent his parents and brother away from Fallujah to stay with relatives. The 33-year-old Associated Press photographer stayed behind to capture insider images during the siege of the former insurgent

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Gaza Sinks in a Sea of Blood

From the archive (legacy material) Mohammed Omer | | 16/10/2004 It smells unbelievably bad here. To walk down any street—if you dare to—you skirt, or sometimes unavoidably walk through, pools of blood. There are shreds of human flesh—some of them unrecognizable as human remains—all over, on rooftops, plastered to broken windows, on the street. The stench of rotting

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From Baghdad, a Wall-Street Journal's E-mail to Friends

From the archive (legacy material) Farnaz Fassihi | MER- Mid East Realities | 2/10/2004 Iraq is a “disaster” that has deteriorated “into a raging barbaric guerilla war” that will haunt the United States for decades. Being a foreign correspondent in Baghdad these days is like being under virtual house arrest. Forget about the reasons that lured me to this

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By Right of Birth

From the archive (legacy material) Martin Lukacs | McGill Daily | 2004 This summer, Martin Lukacs travelled to Israel and Palestine in search of answers Welcome home. Its odd to hear this as you enter a country you have never set foot in. These were the words I heard as I passed through customs at Ben-Gurion Airport and found

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“Finally it Broke My Heart”. Random Impressions from Palestine

From the archive (legacy material) Kathleen & Bill Christison | CounterPunch | 24/9/2004 A few weeks spent in Palestine is always an assault on the senses, on the emotions. And after three trips to the West Bank in the past eighteen months, it is impossible not to draw some conclusions. For most Americans, the eleventh commandment of the politics

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After Abu Ghraib

From the archive (legacy material) Huda Alawazi | The Guardian | 20/9/2004 Huda Alazawi was one of the few women held in solitary in the notorious Iraqi prison. Following her release, she talks for the first time to Luke Harding about her ordeal It began with a phone call. In November last year 39-year-old Huda Alazawi, a wealthy Baghdad

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