Genealogies of Knowledge I: Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space

7-9 December 2017 1st Call for Papers call-for-papers-2017-conference The production and circulation of knowledge across temporal and cultural spaces is a well-established research theme among classicists and historians of political thought, ideas, science and medicine, but recent developments have opened up new perspectives on this area of study. The study of social knowledge flows has advanced our understanding of these

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Translation Studies Posts, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

The Department of English Language and Literature at the College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, is recruiting academic members of staff in the field of Translation in various academic ranks Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. Applicants should meet the following conditions: PhD. in Translation or Linguistics An appropriate record of publications. Appropriate teaching

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Khalid Abdalla: 'I didn't have the right to play Arab roles unless I had lived the struggle'

The Kite Runner actor is also an activist involved in documenting Egypt’s uprising and subsequent collapse. So why has the Cairo premiere of his new film been called off? For Khalid Abdalla, the boundary between life and art has repeatedly blurred and shifted over the past six years. The actor, best known for his roles in films such as The Kite

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Megan Berkobien on Establishing the ‘Emerging Translators Collective’

BY MLYNXQUALEY on NOVEMBER 4, 2016 At this year’s American Literary Translators Association conference, Megan Berkobien talked at a panel that went beyond #namethetranslators about the Emerging Translators Collective she helped found at the University of Michigan.Post-panel, she answered a few questions for ArabLit: Why “alternative and collaborative publication models” for bringing translations into English? What’s not working about the existing ones?  Megan Berkobien: I knew I

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Translation and Citizen Media: TII Conference Panel

Panel Chaired by Mona Baker, part of the 8th Annual International Translation Conference of the Translation and Interpreting Institute, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar, to take place 27th – 28th March 2017 Conference title: 21st Century Demands: Translators and Interpreters towards Human and Social Responsibilities For Call for Papers and other details, visit   Panel Speakers and Abstracts Julie Boéri, University of Nice Sophia

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CLINA: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION, INTERPRETING AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD Arabic Literature in Translation: Politics and Poetics PDF Tarek SHAMMA 7-11 ARTICLES Translating contemporary Arabic literature: a pleasure with many obstacles PDF Hartmut FÄHNDRICH 13-28 European Translations of the Thousand and One Nights and their reception: Orientalist falsification or literary fascination? PDF Richard van LEEUWEN 29-41

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