Study Grants for Students from Gaza

The university of Bologna is offering grants to students from Gaza to study in Bologna.
The only requirement is that they were enrolled in a university in Gaza in either the 2022−23 or 2023-24 academic years; and that they have the necessary language skills to attend courses in Bologna (held either in English or Italian). Further details as follows:
University of Bologna Study Grants for Students from the Gaza Strip
Call for Applications
Closing date: 28 February 2025 at 12:00 Noon CET
ART. 1 – Purpose
The University of Bologna is offering 9 study grants of €10,000 (gross) to students from the Gaza Strip in order to allow them to pursue their studies in Bologna during the 2024−25 academic year.
ART. 2 – Eligibility
In order to be eligible for a grant, candidates must:
1) Enrol in a degree programme or single learning activity at the University of Bologna in the 2024−25 academic year. Please note: candidates can complete enrolment after they have confirmation that they have been selected for a grant. No grants will be paid out to students who have not enrolled.
2) Provide documentation proving that they were enrolled in universities in the Gaza Strip in either the 2022−23 or 2023−24 academic years.
3) Have sufficient language proficiency to follow the selected programme of study or individual learning activity.
ART.3 – Selection procedure
Applications will be assessed by a Selection Committee appointed by the Rector, taking into account the continuity between the candidate’s previous educational pathway and their chosen programme at the University of Bologna, as well as the number of years they have been enrolled at university.
ART. 4 – Application procedure
Applications must be submitted by the closing date exclusively via the “Studenti Online” platform, as follows:
1. Login to, using your University of Bologna email if you have one. Alternatively click the “Register” button and then “Registration for international students”: at the end of the process the system will generate your credentials in the format This is the University email you should use to access the platform and throughout the grant application procedure.
2. Once you are logged in, click on the “calls for applications” button.
3. Select the “Call for Applications for Grants for Students from the Gaza Strip”.
The application will only be valid if this procedure is completed. The application may not be submitted in paper format or by email.
Please note that the information displayed during the online application procedure on the status of the application (e.g. “Application submitted”) is purely technical and does not indicate that an application is valid.
Once the call is closed, all applications will be checked to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the grant and candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application in accordance with Art. 8 below.
Candidates must supply the following documents with their application:
• Documentation proving that they were enrolled in universities in the Gaza Strip in either the 2022−23 or 2023−24 academic years.
• Certification of language proficiency of a level sufficient to follow the selected programme or individual learning activity.
Please note: if the candidate is unable to provide certification of their language proficiency, they will be asked to take part in a short interview with the Selection Committee so that their proficiency can be assessed.
The interview will take place online on the Teams platform after the application deadline, on a date to be agreed with the candidate. The candidate will be informed of the date at least eight days in advance via an email sent to the candidate’s University of Bologna email address:
All documentation must be attached solely in PDF format
ART. 5 – Incompatibility
The grant is incompatible with study grants awarded by ER.GO for the academic year in question.
ART. 6 – Grant payments
The grant will be paid in two instalments as follows:
• A first instalment of € 6,000 (gross) when the grant is awarded
• A second instalment of €4,000 after the student has passed at least one exam.
ART. 7 – Withdrawal of the grant
The grant will be withdrawn in the event of:
• Termination of enrolment or transfer to another university
• If the student is subject to a disciplinary action.
ART. 8 – Notification of outcome
All candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application via an email sent to their University of Bologna email address:
ART. 9 – Personal data
All personal data provided during the application procedure is treated in accordance with the University’s personal data processing policies:
Dr. Leonardo Piano
Via Marsala 49 | 40126 Bologna