Translating Academia

Translating Academia
Friday, 3rd June 2022
Sala de Juntes, Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
This international workshop is organised as part of the research project ‘Political Translation’, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and is the first event of the ‘Translation and Society International Workshop Series’, co-organised with the Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies at Shanghai International Studies University.
The aim of this international multilingual workshop, which brings together academics from various disciplines with translators and journal editors, is to explore the role of translation in knowledge production in the humanities and the social sciences, with an emphasis on existing practices in Southern Europe.
The morning session is organised around the interventions of two invited keynote speakers: Karen Bennett and Fruela Fernandez, author of Translating the Crisis: Politics and Culture in Spain after the 15M. The afternoon will be devoted to the presentation of the first project results and a round table discussion on academic translation practices from the different perspectives of academic authors, translators and journal editors.
The event will take place at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a remote connection via Teams will be available. The full programme and keynote abstracts are available on the Political Translation Project website.