
Mona Baker Entry for the AHRC Translating Cultures Glossary (forthcoming)   Activism is generally understood to designate a broad range of direct and indirect interventions aimed at provoking political or social change. It is often assumed to be the preserve of left-wing politics, but many right-wing groups also see themselves as activists engaged in changing society for the better: Baker

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Audiovisual Translation and Activism (Pre-publication Version)

Mona Baker (2018) ‘Audiovisual Translation and Activism’, in Luis Pérez-González (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation, London & New York: Routledge, 453-467. Introduction Activism and activist are emotive and ill-defined terms. They are claimed by any party that wishes to project itself as a courageous, independent voice that speaks out against what it narrates as injustices, and in so doing

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