Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies Moves to Shanghai International Studies University

The Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, first established at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2017, will be moving to Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on 1 January 2020. It will continue to be managed by the same team that initially founded it at Jiao Tong, including Professor Hu Kaibao as Executive Director and Professor Mona Baker as Director, plus additional personnel from SISU.
The Centre will continue to run all the initiatives it launched in 2017 – including the Martha Cheung Award, the Media and ARTIS Summer Schools, and other training events. The first training event to be held at SISU will focus on the theme of Researching the History of Translation and will take place in early April, followed by the ARTIS Summer School in July. Further initiatives will be launched over the coming months as the Centre continues to expand and benefit from SISU’s strong embeddedness in the Humanities, especially in the domains of language and translation/interpreting studies.
For enquiries, please contact the Associate Director of the Centre, Professor Geng Qiang.