Epilogue: Moments of Clarity

Omar Robert Hamilton
Omar Robert Hamilton is a filmmaker, writer and cultural organizer working in documentary and fiction. He helped found Cairo’s Mosireen collective and works on the documentation, archiving and the visual record of the Egyptian revolution in various ways: after making dozens of short documentaries he’s currently editing a feature documentary from the archive. He helped found the annual Palestine Festival of Literature, which seeks to challenge Israel’s various apartheid policies and the international discourse surrounding them. His latest fiction short, Though I Know the River is Dry, premiered at Rotterdam and went on to win some good prizes. He writes semi-regularly for Egyptian journalism collective Mada Masr and occasionally for the London Review of Books blog and is now working on a novel about the parts of the revolution you can’t capture in the archive. And once that’s done he plans on concentrating on another part of the world for a little while. www.orhamilton.com