The Arab Uprising: Researching the Revolutions May 25, 2015 Mona Baker Egypt 22-23 September 2014 Conference held at the CBRL British Institute in Amman. 1 The Political Subject in the ‘Arab Spring’ | Keynote | Philip Marfleet | 22 Sept 2014 2 Gender and Revolution: Historical Patterns and Challenges … | Ahmed Kadry 3 As if in Manama: Real-time Exile, New Diaspora Politics, and Living Bahrain Abroad | Omar Sirri 4 Developing Diaspora Politics in the Egyptian Revolution … | Helen Underhill 5 Plus ça change? Observing the Dynamics of Morocco’s ‘Arab Spring’ … | Daniele Rossi-Doria 6 Researching Affect in Revolution | Leila Tayeb 7 A Critical Analysis of Arendt and Canetti’s Concept of ‘the Masses’ … | Sarra Moneir Ahmed 8 Zakariyya Tamir: An Example of Resistance Literature? | Alessandro Columbu 9 The Political is Personal: Collective and Individual Trauma … | Vivienne Matthies-Boon 10 Probing the Contingency of ‘Universal’ Rights: How the Egyptian … | Johannes Gunesch 11 Kurdish Policies in Syria under the Arab Uprisings | Marianna Charountaki 12 A Choice with Consequences: Democracy, Transnationalism and British Intervention … | Zoe Holman 13 Social Networks and the ‘Arab Uprisings’: From Revolution to Refugees | Matthew R Stevens 14 Arab Uprising Conference | Closing Remarks | Philip Marfleet and Dawn Chatty | 23 Sept 2014