Update: Egypt confiscates revolution-time graffiti book for “instigating revolt”

A stencil of an army officer throwing a baby in a fire, symbolizes the demise of future generations if the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) continues to rule Egypt. It’s also a response to the propaganda banners widely circulated by the armed forces showing an army officer holding a baby accompained with a sentence reading, “The army and people are one hand.” The stencil was created in July 2011.
The books had arrived from Germany and were to be delivered to Dar al-Tanweer publishing house, said the official, who revealed that the items were confiscated and would be transferred to prosecution services.

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.” This quote by Friedrich Nietzsche was reproduced in July 2011, marking the the battle of Abbassiya. Thousands of protesters marched from Tahrir Square to the Defense Ministry chanting against the SCAF and reiterating the demands of the July sit-in. The march was soon attacked by civilians carrying white weapons and Molotov cocktails.

The statement “Backwards” here indicates that the true direction of the political Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists in all walks of life is backwards. The mural depicts the Egyptian Salafist leader Abdel Moneim al-Shahat, created in September 2012.

This mural depicts Belal Ali Gaber, a 19-year-old student, who was killed at the hands of the police in a peaceful pro-Morsy march in October 2013.
Link (if it works – stopped working very shortly after it circulated): http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/update-egypt-confiscates-revolution-time-graffiti-book-“instigating-revolt”