Translating Violence
Translating Violence/Traduire le silence de la plèbe
Jon Solomon
Translation, Violence, and the Heterolingual Intimacy
Sandro Mezzadra
Living in Transition: Toward a Hetrolingual Theory of the Multitude
Rita Kothari
Diffusing Polarizations: Language and Translation at the Time of the Gujarat Riots
Min Dongchao
Translation as Crossing Borders: A Case Study of the Translations of the Word ‘Feminism’ into Chinese by the CSWS
Joyce Chi-Hui Liu
Logics of Ethos and the translations of Unheimlich: Wu Tianzhang and the Post-Martial Law Era in Taiwan
Anna Nadotti
In the infinite labour of translation an impossible map emerges. The Other walking alongside us takes shape
Isabell Lorey
Identitary Immunity and Strategic Immunization: Lépra and Leprosy from Biblical into Medieval Times